USGS Topographic Maps – Dutchess to Livingston Counties Counties: Albany to Delaware / Dutchess to Livingston / Madison to Otsego / Putnam to Suffolk / Sullivan to Yates Browse Topographic Maps: Full State / Historical USGS Topographic Maps Dutchess County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Amenia GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 136605, 1958 Map No. 136606, 1958 Map No. 136607, 1958 Map No. 136608, 1958 Map No. 137065 Wassaic Multiple Use Area, Wassaic Creek Fishing Access Amenia (91%), Dover (2%), Stanford (3%), Washington (18%) Current Ancram GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 136625, 1948 Map No. 710141, 1960 Map No. 136626, 1960 Map No. 136627, 1960 Map No. 137076, 1960 Map No. 710139 Roeliff Jansenkill Multiple Use Area, New Forge State Forest, Doodletown Wildlife Management Area Ancram (16%), Gallatin (80%), Milan (3%), Pine Plains (3%), Taghkanic (36%) Current Clermont GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 137177, 1963 Map No. 137654, 1963 Map No. 137655, 1963 Map No. 137656 NA Clermont (63%), Gallatin (19%), Germantown (21%), Livingston (31%), Milan (21%), Red Hook (30%), Taghkanic (2%) Current Copake GeoPDF Map 1953 Map No. 137709, 1953 Map No. 137710, 1953 Map No. 137711, 1953 Map No. 137712 Doodletown Wildlife Management Area Ancram (71%), Copake (46%), North East (14%), Taghkanic (3%) Current Dover Plains GeoPDF Map 1944 Map No. 137886, 1958 Map No. 137890, 1958 Map No. 137891, 1958 Map No. 137892, 1958 Map No. 137893, 1998 Map No. 137336 Swamp River Fishing Access, Swamp River Waterway Access, West Mountain State Forest Amenia (0%), Dover (85%), Washington (1%) Current Hopewell Junction GeoPDF Map 1957 Map No. 129768, 1957 Map No. 129769, 1957 Map No. 129770, 1981 Map No. 129767 NA Beekman (1%), East Fishkill (74%), Fishkill (14%), Kent (2%), Wappinger (27%) Current Hyde Park GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 130048, 1963 Map No. 130049, 1980 Map No. 130050, 1980 Map No. 130051 Black Creek Waterway Access, Chodikee Lake Wetlands, Crum Elbow Creek Waterway Access, Black Creek State Forest, Crum Elbow Creek Fishing Access Clinton (2%), Esopus (44%), Hyde Park (79%), Lloyd (14%), Rhinebeck (0%) Current Kingston East GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 130035, 1963 Map No. 130036, 1963 Map No. 130037, 1963 Map No. 137296, 1963 Map No. 137298 NA Clinton (0%), Esopus (16%), Hyde Park (1%), Kingston city (52%), Red Hook (15%), Rhinebeck (71%), Ulster (35%) Current Millbrook GeoPDF Map 1947 Map No. 130580, 1960 Map No. 130583, 1960 Map No. 130584, 1960 Map No. 137450, 1960 Map No. 137451 Wappinger Creek Fishing Access Pleasant Valley (0%), Stanford (28%), Washington (70%) Current Millerton GeoPDF Map 1955 Map No. 130590, 1955 Map No. 130591, 1955 Map No. 137452, 1955 Map No. 137453 NA Amenia (9%), Ancram (12%), North East (86%), Pine Plains (31%), Stanford (3%) Current Pawling GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 135979, 1958 Map No. 135980, 1958 Map No. 135981, 1958 Map No. 135982, 1958 Map No. 136773, 1998 Map No. 136774 West Mountain State Forest, Great Swamp WMA, Cranberry Mountain WMA Dover (7%), Patterson (26%), Pawling (70%) Current Pine Plains GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 129004, 1960 Map No. 129005, 1960 Map No. 129006, 1960 Map No. 136805, 1960 Map No. 136806 Shekomeko Creek Parking Fishing Access, Lafayetteville Multiple Use Area, Stissing Mountain Multiple Use Area Ancram (1%), Gallatin (1%), Milan (20%), North East (0%), Pine Plains (66%), Stanford (54%) Current Pleasant Valley GeoPDF Map 1957 Map No. 129049, 1957 Map No. 129050, 1957 Map No. 129051 Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area Beekman (2%), East Fishkill (1%), Hyde Park (3%), LaGrange (94%), Pleasant Valley (26%), Poughkeepsie (13%), Wappinger (11%) Current Poughkeepsie GeoPDF Map 1957 Map No. 129158, 1957 Map No. 129159, 1957 Map No. 136830, 1995 Map No. 136831 NA Hyde Park (8%), LaGrange (0%), Lloyd (43%), Marlborough (39%), Poughkeepsie city (100%), Poughkeepsie (70%), Wappinger (2%) Current Poughquag GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 129160, 1948 Map No. 129161, 1960 Map No. 129162, 1960 Map No. 129163, 1960 Map No. 129164, 1960 Map No. 136833 White Pond Multiple Use Area, Depot Hill Multiple Use Area, West Mountain State Forest, Big Buck Mountain Multiple Use Area, Sylvan Lake Waterway Access Beekman (72%), Dover (0%), East Fishkill (24%), Kent (10%), Patterson (5%), Pawling (30%) Current Rock City GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 136098, 1963 Map No. 136099, 1963 Map No. 136866 NA Clinton (35%), Hyde Park (0%), Milan (55%), Red Hook (15%), Rhinebeck (29%), Stanford (8%) Current Salt Point GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 129336, 1963 Map No. 129337, 1963 Map No. 136881 Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area Clinton (63%), Hyde Park (10%), Pleasant Valley (73%), Stanford (4%), Washington (2%) Current Saugerties GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 129404, 1963 Map No. 136889, 1963 Map No. 136890, 1963 Map No. 136891, 1963 Map No. 136892, 1997 Map No. 136893 Turkey Point State Forest, Tivoli Bays WMA Clermont (33%), Germantown (15%), Red Hook (39%), Saugerties (41%), Ulster (12%) Current Verbank GeoPDF Map 1946 Map No. 139478, 1960 Map No. 136984, 1960 Map No. 139482, 1960 Map No. 139483 West Mountain State Forest, Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area Beekman (25%), Dover (5%), LaGrange (6%), Pleasant Valley (1%), Union Vale (100%), Washington (9%) Current Wappingers Falls GeoPDF Map 1956 Map No. 140039, 1956 Map No. 140040, 1956 Map No. 140041 Stonykill Environmental Education Center, Baxtertown Woods WMA Beacon city (64%), Fishkill (56%), Marlborough (24%), Newburgh city (3%), Newburgh (12%), Poughkeepsie (17%), Wappinger (60%) Current West Point GeoPDF Map 1941 Map No. 140199, 1947 Map No. 140198, 1957 Map No. 137014, 1957 Map No. 140200, 1957 Map No. 140201, 1957 Map No. 140202 NA Beacon city (36%), Cornwall (8%), Fishkill (29%), Highlands (21%), New Windsor (0%), Newburgh city (4%), Philipstown (63%), Putnam Valley (7%) Erie County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Akron GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 136539, 1951 Map No. 136540, 1951 Map No. 710097 Onondaga Escarpment Unique Area, John White WMA, Tonawanda WMA Alabama (46%), Newstead (17%), Pembroke (24%), Royalton (6%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%) Current Angola GeoPDF Map 1960 Map No. 136649, 1960 Map No. 136650 NA Evans (39%) Current Arcade GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 136682, 1966 Map No. 136683 NA Arcade (57%), Freedom (12%), Holland (7%), Java (12%), Sardinia (19%), Yorkshire (14%) Current Ashford Hollow GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 136700, 1964 Map No. 136701, 1964 Map No. 136702, 1964 Map No. 710169 NA Ashford (64%), Concord (9%), East Otto (36%), Ellicottville (2%) Current Buffalo NE GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 123033, 1950 Map No. 123034, 1965 Map No. 123035 NA Amherst (23%), Buffalo city (52%), Cheektowaga (43%), Tonawanda (37%) Current Buffalo NW GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 123036, 1950 Map No. 123038, 1965 Map No. 123039, 1965 Map No. 123040 Motor Island WMA Buffalo city (22%), Grand Island (25%), Tonawanda city (3%), Tonawanda (47%) Current Buffalo SE GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 123041, 1950 Map No. 123042, 1965 Map No. 123043 NA Buffalo city (26%), Cheektowaga (2%), Hamburg (34%), Lackawanna city (100%), Orchard Park (22%), West Seneca (53%) Current Clarence GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 137629, 1965 Map No. 137630 Tillman Road WMA Alden (63%), Clarence (14%), Lancaster (35%), Newstead (24%) Current Clarence Center GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 137625, 1950 Map No. 137626, 1965 Map No. 137627 Great Baehre Swamp WMA Amherst (28%), Clarence (41%), Lockport (21%), Pendleton (29%) Current Colden GeoPDF Map 1955 Map No. 137679, 1955 Map No. 137680, 1955 Map No. 137681, 1955 Map No. 137806 NA Aurora (38%), Boston (37%), Colden (49%), Orchard Park (26%) Current Collins Center GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 137682, 1963 Map No. 137683, 1963 Map No. 137684 Cattaraugus Creek Waterway Access, Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area, Zoar Valley Unique Area, East Otto State Forest Collins (35%), Concord (5%), East Otto (37%), Otto (61%) Current Corfu GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 137814, 1950 Map No. 137815 NA Alden (29%), Darien (53%), Newstead (11%), Pembroke (33%) Current Cowlesville GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 137726, 1951 Map No. 137727 NA Alden (3%), Bennington (62%), Darien (5%), Marilla (14%), Sheldon (20%), Wales (11%) Current East Aurora GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 137994, 1965 Map No. 137996, 1965 Map No. 137997 NA Alden (5%), Aurora (15%), Elma (40%), Lancaster (5%), Marilla (86%), Wales (24%) Current Eden GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 138035, 1965 Map No. 138036 Eighteen Mile Creek Access Eden (43%), Evans (40%), Hamburg (31%) Current Farnham GeoPDF Map 1960 Map No. 138142, 1960 Map No. 138143 NA Brant (61%), Cattaraugus Reservation (54%), Cattaraugus Reservation (49%), Cattaraugus Reservation (100%), Evans (13%), Hanover (20%), Perrysburg (17%) Current Gowanda GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 129589, 1963 Map No. 129590 Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area, Zoar Valley Unique Area Cattaraugus Reservation (39%), Cattaraugus Reservation (8%), Collins (25%), Dayton (33%), Otto (11%), Perrysburg (30%), Persia (69%) Current Hamburg GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 129666, 1965 Map No. 129667, 1965 Map No. 129668, 1965 Map No. 129669 Hampton Brook Woods WMA Boston (45%), Eden (38%), Hamburg (36%), Orchard Park (23%) Current Holland GeoPDF Map 1955 Map No. 129880, 1955 Map No. 129881, 1979 Map No. 129879 NA Aurora (25%), Colden (30%), Holland (53%), Wales (44%) Current Lancaster GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 130212, 1965 Map No. 130213 Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve And Environmental Education Center Amherst (17%), Cheektowaga (47%), Clarence (21%), Lancaster (54%) Current Langford GeoPDF Map 1960 Map No. 130218, 1960 Map No. 130219 Clear Lake WMA Boston (10%), Collins (23%), Concord (18%), Eden (9%), North Collins (57%) Current Niagara Falls GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 128711, 1965 Map No. 128712 NA Grand Island (9%), Niagara Falls city (67%), Niagara (10%) Current North Collins GeoPDF Map 1960 Map No. 128742, 1960 Map No. 128743 NA Brant (39%), Cattaraugus Reservation (7%), Cattaraugus Reservation (41%), Collins (17%), Eden (10%), Evans (8%), North Collins (43%), Perrysburg (4%) Current Orchard Park GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 128935, 1965 Map No. 128936, 1965 Map No. 128937, 1965 Map No. 137486, 1965 Map No. 137487 Cazenovia Creek Fwma Aurora (22%), Cheektowaga (7%), Elma (60%), Lancaster (7%), Orchard Park (29%), West Seneca (47%) Current Sardinia GeoPDF Map 1957 Map No. 129402, 1957 Map No. 129403, 1957 Map No. 136888 Cattaraugus Creek Fishing Access Parking Ashford (2%), Colden (8%), Holland (15%), Sardinia (80%), Yorkshire (14%) Current Silver Creek GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 136171, 1960 Map No. 136168, 1960 Map No. 136172 NA Brant (0%), Cattaraugus Reservation (3%), Hanover (22%), Sheridan (27%) Current Springville GeoPDF Map 1954 Map No. 139842, 1954 Map No. 139843 NA Ashford (0%), Boston (8%), Colden (12%), Concord (68%), Sardinia (1%) Current Strykersville GeoPDF Map 1957 Map No. 139925, 1957 Map No. 139926 NA Holland (25%), Java (45%), Sheldon (37%), Wales (20%) Current Tonawanda East GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 139339, 1950 Map No. 139340, 1965 Map No. 139341, 1980 Map No. 139342 NA Amherst (31%), North Tonawanda city (64%), Pendleton (57%), Tonawanda city (41%), Tonawanda (13%), Wheatfield (39%) Current Tonawanda West GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 139343, 1948 Map No. 139344, 1950 Map No. 139345, 1965 Map No. 139347 Spicer Creek WMA Grand Island (66%), Niagara Falls city (30%), Niagara (65%), North Tonawanda city (36%), Tonawanda city (57%), Tonawanda (3%), Wheatfield (51%) Current Wolcottsville GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 140363, 1965 Map No. 140364 Tonawanda WMA, Tonawanda Creek Fishing Access Clarence (25%), Lockport (2%), Newstead (47%), Royalton (23%) Essex County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Ampersand Lake GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (24%), Newcomb (1%) Current Au Sable Forks GeoPDF Map NA Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest Au Sable (2%), Black Brook (17%), Chesterfield (1%), Jay (43%), Wilmington (0%) Current Bad Luck Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Unclassified, Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Pine Lake Primitive Area Indian Lake (12%), Minerva (10%), Newcomb (3%) Current Bloomingdale GeoPDF Map NA Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Buck Pond Campground Franklin (21%), St. Armand (30%) Current Blue Ridge GeoPDF Map NA Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Primitive Area, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, High Peaks Wilderness North Hudson (19%), Schroon (13%) Current Charlotte GeoPDF Map NA Split Rock Wild Forest Essex (35%), Westport (1%), Willsboro (11%) Current Cheney Pond GeoPDF Map NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, High Peaks Wilderness Minerva (11%), Newcomb (2%), North Hudson (15%), Schroon (3%) Current Clintonville GeoPDF Map NA Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Poke-O-Moonshine Day Use Area Au Sable (26%), Chesterfield (35%), Jay (4%), Lewis (3%) Current Colchester Point GeoPDF Map NA Schuyler Island Primitive Area Au Sable (4%), Chesterfield (8%), Peru (0%) Current Crown Point GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 137752, 1950 Map No. 137753, 1950 Map No. 137754, 1950 Map No. 137755 Putnam Creek Access, Putnam Creek Fishing Access, Sheepshead Island, Signal Buoy Island, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Putts Creek WMA Crown Point (32%), Ticonderoga (18%) Current Dix Mountain GeoPDF Map NA High Peaks Wilderness Keene (12%), North Hudson (19%) Current Dun Brook Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Blue Mountain Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area Indian Lake (5%), Long Lake (5%), Minerva (11%), Newcomb (1%) Current Dutton Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Hudson Gorge Primitive Area, Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Ok Slip Pond Primitive Area, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Chester (0%), Indian Lake (5%), Minerva (25%) Current Eagle Lake GeoPDF Map 1973 Map No. 137988 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest Crown Point (54%), Moriah (2%), North Hudson (0%), Ticonderoga (9%) Current Elizabethtown GeoPDF Map NA Giant Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Pauline Murdock WMA, Lincoln Pond Campground Elizabethtown (45%), Lewis (6%), Westport (16%) Current Franklin Falls GeoPDF Map NA Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Black Brook (7%), Franklin (12%), St. Armand (25%), Wilmington (12%) Current Gabriels GeoPDF Map NA Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Brighton (37%), Franklin (4%), Harrietstown (6%), St. Armand (3%) Current Gore Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Chatiemac Lake Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, North Creek Parking Fishing Access, Gore Mountain Ski Center Chester (3%), Indian Lake (1%), Johnsburg (24%), Minerva (0%) Current Graphite GeoPDF Map 1973 Map No. 129606, 1973 Map No. 129607 Bald Ledge Primitive Area, Gooseneck Pond Primitive Area, Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest, Putnam Pond Campground Hague (23%), Schroon (1%), Ticonderoga (39%) Current Jay Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Hurricane Mountain Primitive Area, Hurricane Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, Jay Mountain Wilderness Chesterfield (3%), Elizabethtown (1%), Jay (39%), Keene (5%), Lewis (19%) Current Juniper Island GeoPDF Map NA Schuyler Island Primitive Area Chesterfield (8%), Willsboro (30%) Current Keene GeoPDF Map NA Hurricane Mountain Primitive Area, Hurricane Mountain Wilderness, Bartlett Primitive Area, Sentinel Range Wilderness, Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Wilmington Notch Campground, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Jay (12%), Keene (15%), Wilmington (33%) Current Keene Valley GeoPDF Map NA Giant Mountain Wilderness, Sentinel Range Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Johns Brook Primitive Area Keene (34%), North Elba (0%) Current Keeseville GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 130007, 1966 Map No. 130008 Unclassified, Valcour Island Primitive Area, Garden Island, Schuyler Island Primitive Area, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Peru Dock Boat Launch, Ausable Marsh WMA, Wickham Marsh WMA, Ausable Point Campground Au Sable (24%), Chesterfield (12%), Peru (31%), Plattsburgh (0%) Current Kempshall Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (1%), Long Lake (9%), Newcomb (4%) Current Lake Placid GeoPDF Map NA Sentinel Range Wilderness, Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, John Browns Farm Historic Site, Mirror Lake Boat Launch, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Keene (1%), North Elba (22%), St. Armand (11%), Wilmington (16%) Current Lewis GeoPDF Map NA Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Jay Mountain Wilderness Chesterfield (2%), Lewis (60%) Current Mckenzie Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Unclassified, Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Meadowbrook Campground Harrietstown (1%), North Elba (22%), St. Armand (30%) Current Minerva GeoPDF Map NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness Chester (3%), Minerva (25%), Schroon (7%) Current Mount Adams GeoPDF Map NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Macintyre Primitive Area, Tahawas Primitive Area Newcomb (23%) Current Mount Marcy GeoPDF Map NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Boreas Ponds Primitive Area, High Peaks Wilderness Keene (11%), Newcomb (7%), North Hudson (11%) Current Newcomb GeoPDF Map NA Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Camp Santanoni Historic Area, High Peaks Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Lake Harris Campground Minerva (1%), Newcomb (22%) Current North Elba GeoPDF Map NA Mount Van Hoevenberg Winter Recreation Area, Sentinel Range Wilderness, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Keene (5%), Newcomb (1%), North Elba (29%) Current Paradox Lake GeoPDF Map 1973 Map No. 135965, 1973 Map No. 136771 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, High Peaks Wilderness, Paradox Lake Campground Crown Point (7%), North Hudson (14%), Schroon (16%), Ticonderoga (0%) Current Pharaoh Mountain GeoPDF Map 1973 Map No. 128968 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest Hague (2%), Horicon (16%), Schroon (29%), Ticonderoga (1%) Current Port Douglass GeoPDF Map NA Unclassified, Schuyler Island Primitive Area, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Port Douglass Boat Launch, Willsboro Bay Boat Launch Au Sable (1%), Chesterfield (32%), Lewis (0%), Willsboro (26%) Current Port Henry GeoPDF Map NA Crown Point Historic Area, Port Henry Boat Launch, Crown Point Campground Crown Point (7%), Moriah (34%), Westport (7%) Current Rock Lake GeoPDF Map NA Unclassified, Blue Ridge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Pine Lake Primitive Area Indian Lake (20%), Minerva (1%) Current Rocky Peak Ridge GeoPDF Map NA Giant Mountain Wilderness, Hurricane Mountain Fire Tower Historic Area, Hurricane Mountain Primitive Area, Hurricane Mountain Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Elizabethtown (38%), Keene (13%), Lewis (3%) Current Santanoni Peak GeoPDF Map NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Camp Santanoni Historic Area, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (0%), Newcomb (23%) Current Saranac Lake GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Flower Boat Launch, Lower Saranac Lake Boat Launch, Saranac Lake Islands Campground Harrietstown (25%), North Elba (0%), St. Armand (2%) Current Schroon Lake GeoPDF Map NA Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Scaroon Manor Campground, Lake George Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, Eagle Point Campground Chester (6%), Horicon (4%), Minerva (1%), Schroon (31%) Current Street Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (4%), Newcomb (2%), North Elba (26%) Current Ticonderoga GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 136965, 1950 Map No. 140023, 1950 Map No. 140024, 1950 Map No. 140025, 1950 Map No. 140026, 1950 Map No. 140027, 1950 Map No. 140028, 1950 Map No. 140029, 1950 Map No. 140030 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Lake George Wild Forest, Mossy Point State Boat Launch, Lake George Islands Campground, Rogers Rock Campground Hague (9%), Putnam (52%), Ticonderoga (33%) Current Underwood GeoPDF Map NA Boquet River Primtive Area, Giant Mountain Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Sharp Bridge Campground Elizabethtown (8%), Keene (4%), Moriah (1%), North Hudson (21%) Current Vanderwhacker Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Harris Campground Minerva (14%), Newcomb (13%), North Hudson (0%) Current Vergennes West GeoPDF Map NA Split Rock Wild Forest Westport (6%) Current Westport GeoPDF Map NA Cole Island, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Split Rock Wild Forest, Westport Boat Launch Essex (3%), Lewis (1%), Westport (68%) Current Willsboro GeoPDF Map NA Wilsboro Dam Fish Dam, Boquet River Fishing Access, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Split Rock Wild Forest Essex (62%), Lewis (7%), Westport (0%), Willsboro (33%) Current Wilmington GeoPDF Map NA Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, Taylor Pond Campground, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Black Brook (20%), Jay (2%), Wilmington (39%) Current Witherbee GeoPDF Map NA Hammond Pond Wild Forest Crown Point (0%), Elizabethtown (9%), Moriah (63%), North Hudson (0%), Westport (2%) Franklin County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Alder Brook GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 136574 Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Black Brook (12%), Franklin (16%), Saranac (8%) Current Ampersand Lake GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (24%), Newcomb (1%) Current Augerhole Falls GeoPDF Map 1970 Map No. 136744 Raquette-Jordan Boreal Primitive Area Hopkinton (13%), Tupper Lake (2%), Waverly (20%) Current Bangor GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 123403, 1964 Map No. 123404 Deer River State Forest, Little Salmon River Access Bangor (82%), Brandon (33%), Dickinson (4%), Moira (5%) Current Bay Pond GeoPDF Map NA Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area, Saint Regis Canoe Area Santa Clara (14%), Tupper Lake (3%), Waverly (17%) Current Bloomingdale GeoPDF Map NA Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Buck Pond Campground Franklin (21%), St. Armand (30%) Current Bombay GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 123356, 1964 Map No. 137121 Bombay State Forest Bombay (83%), Fort Covington (33%), Moira (5%), St. Regis Mohawk Reservation (39%) Current Brainardsville GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 123115, 1964 Map No. 123116 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Bellmont (29%), Burke (0%), Chateaugay (6%), Ellenburg (1%) Current Brushton GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 123031, 1964 Map No. 123032 Deer River State Forest, Bombay State Forest Brasher (0%), Dickinson (26%), Lawrence (3%), Moira (89%) Current Burke GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 123057, 1993 Map No. 137137 NA Burke (89%), Chateaugay (6%), Constable (15%), Malone (2%) Current Chasm Falls GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 122921, 1964 Map No. 137168 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Bellmont (19%), Burke (11%), Malone (16%) Current Chateaugay GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 122927, 1964 Map No. 122928, 1964 Map No. 137169, 1993 Map No. 137170 Valley View State Forest, Chateaugay Fish Hatchery Burke (0%), Chateaugay (88%), Clinton (10%), Ellenburg (0%) Current Constable GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 137702, 1964 Map No. 137703, 1993 Map No. 137187 Salmon River Waterway Access, Trout River State Forest Bangor (0%), Constable (85%), Malone (8%), Westville (38%) Current Debar Mountain GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 137199, 1968 Map No. 137200, 1968 Map No. 137941 Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Brighton (20%), Duane (23%), Franklin (11%) Current Derrick GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saint Regis Canoe Area, Fish Creek Pond Campground, Rollins Pond Campground Harrietstown (0%), Santa Clara (10%), Tupper Lake (27%) Current Ellenburg Center GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 138065 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands State Forest, Upper Chateaugay Lake Boat Launch Bellmont (0%), Dannemora (8%), Ellenburg (44%) Current Fort Covington GeoPDF Map 1993 Map No. 137210 NA Bangor (12%), Bombay (0%), Fort Covington (67%), Moira (0%), Westville (62%) Current Franklin Falls GeoPDF Map NA Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Black Brook (7%), Franklin (12%), St. Armand (25%), Wilmington (12%) Current Gabriels GeoPDF Map NA Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Brighton (37%), Franklin (4%), Harrietstown (6%), St. Armand (3%) Current Grampus Lake GeoPDF Map NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (0%), Long Lake (10%), Tupper Lake (5%) Current Hogansburg GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 129877, 1964 Map No. 129878, 1964 Map No. 137253 Bombay State Forest, Brasher State Forest Bombay (17%), Brasher (32%), Massena (7%), Moira (0%), St. Regis Mohawk Reservation (61%) Current Kempshall Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (1%), Long Lake (9%), Newcomb (4%) Current Lake Ozonia GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 130178, 1964 Map No. 130179 Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Lake Ozonia Fishing Access Site Hopkinton (9%), Waverly (29%) Current Lake Titus GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 130203, 1964 Map No. 130204 Deer River State Forest, Franklin FP Detached Parcel, Lake Titus Boat Launch, Titusville Mountain State Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Deer River Primitive Area, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Brandon (10%), Duane (30%), Malone (18%), Santa Clara (4%) Current Little Tupper Lake GeoPDF Map NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Round Lake Wilderness, William C. Whitney Wilderness, Winding Falls Primitive Area Long Lake (9%), Piercefield (8%), Tupper Lake (2%) Current Loon Lake GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 130357, 1968 Map No. 137380 Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest, Buck Pond Campground Bellmont (0%), Franklin (30%) Current Lyon Mountain GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 130400 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands WMA Bellmont (7%), Dannemora (27%), Franklin (0%), Saranac (19%) Current Malone GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 130433, 1964 Map No. 130434, 1964 Map No. 137426, 1964 Map No. 137427 Deer River State Forest Bangor (6%), Brandon (5%), Malone (47%) Current Mckenzie Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Unclassified, Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Meadowbrook Campground Harrietstown (1%), North Elba (22%), St. Armand (30%) Current Meacham Lake GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 130509, 1964 Map No. 130510, 1964 Map No. 130511 Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area, Meacham Lake Campground Brighton (16%), Duane (28%), Santa Clara (9%) Current Meno GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 130535, 1964 Map No. 137442 Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area Santa Clara (18%), Waverly (14%) Current Mount Matumbla GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 130710, 1968 Map No. 130711 Raquette-Jordan Boreal Primitive Area Hopkinton (3%), Piercefield (25%), Tupper Lake (16%) Current Owls Head GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 135953, 1968 Map No. 135954, 1968 Map No. 136758 Titusville Mountain State Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Bellmont (14%), Duane (20%), Franklin (3%), Malone (8%) Current Piercefield GeoPDF Map NA Dead Creek Primitive Area, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Raquette-Jordan Boreal Primitive Area Piercefield (35%), Tupper Lake (11%) Current Ragged Lake GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 136004, 1968 Map No. 136843 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Bellmont (29%), Franklin (2%) Current Saint Regis Falls GeoPDF Map NA Deer River State Forest, St. Regis River State Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest Dickinson (59%), Hopkinton (3%), Lawrence (7%), Waverly (15%) Current Saint Regis Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saint Regis Canoe Area, Saint Regis Mountain Fire Tower Historic Area Brighton (27%), Harrietstown (2%), Santa Clara (14%) Current Santa Clara GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 129356, 1964 Map No. 136882 Deer River State Forest, Unclassified, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Deer River Primitive Area Brandon (52%), Dickinson (12%), Santa Clara (10%), Waverly (5%) Current Saranac Lake GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Flower Boat Launch, Lower Saranac Lake Boat Launch, Saranac Lake Islands Campground Harrietstown (25%), North Elba (0%), St. Armand (2%) Current Stony Creek Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Ampersand Primitive Area, High Peaks Wilderness, Middle Saranac Lake Boat Launch Harrietstown (25%) Current Street Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (4%), Newcomb (2%), North Elba (26%) Current Tupper Lake GeoPDF Map NA Tupper Lake Boat Launch, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Raquette River Boat Launch Harrietstown (5%), Tupper Lake (34%) Current Upper Saranac Lake GeoPDF Map NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saint Regis Canoe Area, Fish Creek Pond Campground, Saranac Lake Boat Launch Harrietstown (7%), Santa Clara (20%) Fulton County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Amsterdam GeoPDF Map 1954 Map No. 136622, 1954 Map No. 136623, 1954 Map No. 136624, 1954 Map No. 137071 NA Amsterdam city (100%), Amsterdam (56%), Duanesburg (0%), Florida (47%), Perth (28%), Princetown (0%) Current Broadalbin GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 123095, 1946 Map No. 123096, 1970 Map No. 123099 Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Broadalbin Boat Launch Broadalbin (76%), Mayfield (22%), Perth (38%) Current Canada Lake GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 123087, 1945 Map No. 123088, 1945 Map No. 123089, 1945 Map No. 123090, 1946 Map No. 123091, 1946 Map No. 123092, 1997 Map No. 137147 Unclassified, Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (1%), Caroga (37%), Stratford (39%) Current Canajoharie GeoPDF Map 1944 Map No. 123405, 1944 Map No. 123406 NA Canajoharie (28%), Ephratah (9%), Minden (1%), Palatine (84%), Root (3%), St. Johnsville (9%) Current Caroga Lake GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 122816, 1945 Map No. 122817, 1970 Map No. 122818, 1997 Map No. 137156 Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Caroga Lake Campground Arietta (1%), Benson (5%), Bleecker (49%), Caroga (34%) Current Galway GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 138100, 1970 Map No. 138101 Saratoga FP Detached Parcel, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest Broadalbin (15%), Galway (59%), Perth (3%), Providence (48%) Current Gloversville GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 129557, 1946 Map No. 129558, 1963 Map No. 129563, 1970 Map No. 129564 Johnstown FP Detached Parcel, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest Bleecker (5%), Gloversville city (100%), Johnstown city (47%), Johnstown (31%), Mayfield (27%), Perth (16%) Current Jackson Summit GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 129959, 1946 Map No. 129960, 1970 Map No. 129961, 1970 Map No. 129962 Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest Benson (12%), Bleecker (39%), Mayfield (33%) Current Lassellsville GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 130223, 1945 Map No. 130224, 1945 Map No. 130225, 1946 Map No. 130228 Fulton FP Detached Parcel, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Rockwood State Forest, Lassellsville State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Zimmerman Creek Fishing Access Caroga (13%), Ephratah (88%), Johnstown (0%), Oppenheim (11%), Palatine (0%), St. Johnsville (3%), Stratford (8%) Current Little Falls GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130279, 1943 Map No. 130280 NA Danube (27%), Fairfield (6%), Little Falls city (95%), Little Falls (14%), Manheim (97%), Oppenheim (8%), Salisbury (3%), St. Johnsville (1%) Current Morehouse Lake GeoPDF Map NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (6%), Morehouse (11%), Salisbury (5%), Stratford (9%) Current Northville GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 128798, 1946 Map No. 128799, 1970 Map No. 128800, 1970 Map No. 128801 Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Sacandaga River State Boat Launch, Northampton Beach Campground Benson (3%), Broadalbin (9%), Edinburg (3%), Hope (0%), Mayfield (18%), Northampton (99%) Current Oppenheim GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 128927, 1945 Map No. 128928 Fulton FP Detached Parcel, Lassellsville State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Danube (0%), Manheim (3%), Oppenheim (75%), Salisbury (0%), St. Johnsville (62%), Stratford (1%) Current Pattersonville GeoPDF Map 1954 Map No. 135974, 1954 Map No. 135975 NA Amsterdam (30%), Charlton (37%), Duanesburg (0%), Florida (5%), Galway (13%), Glenville (40%), Perth (6%), Princetown (7%), Rotterdam (5%) Current Peck Lake GeoPDF Map 1946 Map No. 135991, 1962 Map No. 135992, 1970 Map No. 135993 Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Peck Hill State Forest, Rockwood State Forest, Caroga Lake Campground Bleecker (7%), Caroga (16%), Ephratah (2%), Gloversville city (0%), Johnstown city (17%), Johnstown (56%) Current Randall GeoPDF Map 1944 Map No. 136007, 1944 Map No. 136008, 1944 Map No. 136009 Yatesville Falls State Forest Ephratah (1%), Glen (28%), Johnstown city (27%), Johnstown (7%), Mohawk (62%), Palatine (14%), Root (18%) Current Stratford GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 139921, 1945 Map No. 139922, 1945 Map No. 139923, 1945 Map No. 139924 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, North Creek Fishing Access Oppenheim (6%), Salisbury (16%), Stratford (43%) Current Tribes Hill GeoPDF Map 1944 Map No. 139361, 1944 Map No. 139363 NA Amsterdam (13%), Florida (17%), Glen (56%), Johnstown city (8%), Johnstown (6%), Mohawk (38%), Perth (8%) Genesee County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Akron GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 136539, 1951 Map No. 136540, 1951 Map No. 710097 Onondaga Escarpment Unique Area, John White WMA, Tonawanda WMA Alabama (46%), Newstead (17%), Pembroke (24%), Royalton (6%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%) Current Albion GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 136565, 1950 Map No. 136566, 1950 Map No. 137062, 1952 Map No. 136570 NA Albion (64%), Barre (64%), Elba (7%), Oakfield (1%) Current Alexander GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 136585, 1949 Map No. 136586, 1951 Map No. 136587 NA Alexander (47%), Batavia (18%), Darien (40%), Pembroke (24%) Current Attica GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 136721, 1949 Map No. 136725, 1951 Map No. 136724 NA Alexander (3%), Attica (49%), Bennington (38%), Darien (3%), Orangeville (18%), Sheldon (15%) Current Batavia North GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 123190, 1950 Map No. 123192, 1951 Map No. 123191 NA Batavia city (45%), Batavia (33%), Elba (84%), Oakfield (21%), Stafford (4%) Current Batavia South GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 123193, 1950 Map No. 123194, 1950 Map No. 710214 Groveland Secondary Trailway Alexander (47%), Batavia city (55%), Batavia (30%), Bethany (54%), Stafford (4%) Current Brockport GeoPDF Map 1934 Map No. 123100, 1952 Map No. 123101, 1952 Map No. 123102, 1952 Map No. 123103, 1971 Map No. 123104, 1971 Map No. 123106 NA Bergen (9%), Clarendon (2%), Clarkson (38%), Murray (1%), Ogden (11%), Riga (1%), Sweden (99%) Current Byron GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 123063, 1950 Map No. 123065, 1950 Map No. 123134, 1952 Map No. 123064 NA Bergen (17%), Byron (93%), Elba (7%), Le Roy (11%), Stafford (40%) Current Churchville GeoPDF Map 1935 Map No. 122736, 1950 Map No. 122738, 1950 Map No. 122739 NA Bergen (72%), Le Roy (32%), Riga (48%), Wheatland (13%) Current Corfu GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 137814, 1950 Map No. 137815 NA Alden (29%), Darien (53%), Newstead (11%), Pembroke (33%) Current Cowlesville GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 137726, 1951 Map No. 137727 NA Alden (3%), Bennington (62%), Darien (5%), Marilla (14%), Sheldon (20%), Wales (11%) Current Dale GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 137942, 1949 Map No. 137944, 1949 Map No. 137945, 1951 Map No. 137943 Carlton Hill Mua Alexander (3%), Attica (51%), Bethany (3%), Middlebury (56%), Orangeville (19%), Warsaw (21%) Current Holley GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 129882, 1950 Map No. 129883, 1950 Map No. 137254 NA Albion (5%), Barre (5%), Bergen (2%), Byron (7%), Clarendon (98%), Elba (1%), Murray (43%) Current Knowlesville GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 130142, 1950 Map No. 130143, 1950 Map No. 255469 Oak Orchard WMA Alabama (3%), Albion (26%), Barre (31%), Oakfield (6%), Ridgeway (17%), Shelby (42%) Current Le Roy GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 130235, 1950 Map No. 130236, 1950 Map No. 130237, 1950 Map No. 137314 Groveland Secondary Trailway Caledonia (24%), Le Roy (40%), Pavilion (39%), Wheatland (5%), York (23%) Current Leicester GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 130247, 1951 Map No. 130248, 1951 Map No. 130249 Groveland Secondary Trailway Covington (37%), Leicester (50%), Pavilion (5%), Perry (22%), York (37%) Current Medina GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 130524, 1951 Map No. 130527 Tonawanda WMA Alabama (4%), Hartland (9%), Ridgeway (20%), Royalton (16%), Shelby (58%) Current Oakfield GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 128850, 1952 Map No. 128851 Oak Orchard WMA, Oak Orchard WMA Alabama (47%), Batavia (19%), Oakfield (72%), Pembroke (19%) Current Stafford GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 139858, 1950 Map No. 139859, 1950 Map No. 139860 Groveland Secondary Trailway Bethany (41%), Le Roy (16%), Pavilion (48%), Stafford (52%) Current Wyoming GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 137048, 1951 Map No. 137049, 1951 Map No. 140389, 1951 Map No. 140390 NA Bethany (2%), Covington (63%), Middlebury (44%), Pavilion (8%), Perry (37%), Warsaw (16%) Greene County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Alcove GeoPDF Map 1953 Map No. 136571, 1953 Map No. 136572, 1953 Map No. 136573 Coxsackie FP Detached Parcel, Greenville FP Detached Parcel Coeymans (33%), Coxsackie (6%), Greenville (30%), New Baltimore (39%), Westerlo (12%) Current Ashland GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 136704, 1945 Map No. 136705, 1945 Map No. 136707, 1946 Map No. 136706 Huntersfield State Forest, Ashland Pinnacle State Forest, South Mountain State Forest, Mount Pisgah State Forest Ashland (91%), Conesville (13%), Jewett (21%), Lexington (6%), Prattsville (7%), Windham (24%) Current Bearsville GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 123225, 1945 Map No. 123226, 1945 Map No. 137092, 1946 Map No. 123228, 1997 Map No. 137094 Overlook Mountain Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Mink Hollow Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Kenneth L. Wilson Campground Hunter (10%), Hurley (8%), Olive (2%), Woodstock (62%) Current Cementon GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 122882, 1963 Map No. 122883, 1963 Map No. 122884, 1963 Map No. 137143 Seward’s Island, Catskill FP Detatched Parcel, Great Vly WMA Athens (0%), Cairo (0%), Catskill (68%), Germantown (29%), Saugerties (12%) Current Durham GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 137938, 1946 Map No. 137933, 1946 Map No. 137934, 1967 Map No. 137937 Catskill Creek Fishing Access, Mount Hayden State Forest, Mount Pisgah State Forest, Scott Patent State Forest, Rensselaerville State Forest Broome (4%), Conesville (0%), Durham (36%), Rensselaerville (57%), Windham (0%) Current Fleischmanns GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 138238, 1945 Map No. 138239, 1945 Map No. 138241, 1945 Map No. 138242, 1946 Map No. 138240 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center, Greene County FP Detached Parcel, Big Indian Wilderness, Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest Halcott (19%), Hardenburgh (0%), Middletown (36%), Roxbury (15%), Shandaken (2%) Current Freehold GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 138174, 1943 Map No. 138175, 1945 Map No. 138177 Cairo Lockwood State Forest, Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness Cairo (57%), Durham (21%), Greenville (14%), Jewett (5%), Windham (6%) Current Greenville GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 129624, 1945 Map No. 129625, 1946 Map No. 129626, 1980 Map No. 129627 NA Durham (16%), Greenville (42%), Rensselaerville (11%), Westerlo (41%) Current Hensonville GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 129900, 1946 Map No. 129902, 1946 Map No. 129904, 1980 Map No. 129898, 1980 Map No. 129899 Mount Hayden State Forest, Mount Pisgah State Forest, Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Elm Ridge Wild Forest, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness Cairo (1%), Durham (27%), Jewett (20%), Windham (69%) Current Hudson North GeoPDF Map 1953 Map No. 129935, 1953 Map No. 129936, 1953 Map No. 129937, 1980 Map No. 129938 Brandow Point Unique Area, Charles Flood WMA At The Empire Brickyard, Middle Ground Flats Unique Area, Stockport Flats Estuarine Sanctuary, Nutten Hook State Tidal Wetland, Stockport WMA, Vosburgh Swamp WMA, Athens State Boat Launch Athens (59%), Claverack (1%), Coxsackie (56%), Greenport (17%), Hudson city (58%), Stockport (56%), Stuyvesant (15%) Current Hudson South GeoPDF Map 1963 Map No. 129939, 1963 Map No. 129940, 1963 Map No. 129942, 1980 Map No. 129941 Brandow Point Unique Area, Livingston State Forest, Rogers Island WMA Athens (5%), Catskill (8%), Claverack (3%), Clermont (4%), Germantown (34%), Greenport (82%), Hudson city (42%), Livingston (61%), Taghkanic (0%) Current Hunter GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 129946, 1945 Map No. 129947, 1946 Map No. 129949, 1980 Map No. 129950, 1997 Map No. 137269 Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Kaaterskill Wild Forest, Rusk Mountain Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, Indian Head Wilderness, Mink Hollow Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness, Devil’s Tombstone Campground Hunter (49%), Jewett (21%), Lexington (1%) Current Kaaterskill Clove GeoPDF Map 1946 Map No. 130114, 1997 Map No. 130115 Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Kaaterskill Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Overlook Turnpike Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Dutcher Notch Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness, North/South Lake Campground Cairo (7%), Catskill (16%), Hunter (32%), Jewett (9%), Saugerties (11%) Current Leeds GeoPDF Map 1953 Map No. 130243, 1953 Map No. 130244, 1953 Map No. 130245, 1953 Map No. 137315 Athens FP Detached Parcel Athens (36%), Cairo (35%), Catskill (8%), Coxsackie (34%), Greenville (14%) Current Lexington GeoPDF Map 1946 Map No. 130258, 1960 Map No. 130260, 1960 Map No. 130261, 1960 Map No. 130262 Rusk Mountain Wild Forest, Shandaken Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Diamond Notch Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness Hunter (2%), Jewett (24%), Lexington (50%), Shandaken (1%) Current Phoenicia GeoPDF Map 1946 Map No. 128986, 1960 Map No. 128990, 1960 Map No. 128991, 1960 Map No. 128992, 1960 Map No. 128993, 1960 Map No. 136793, 1997 Map No. 136794 Simpson Ski Slope, Unclassified, Esopus Creek Fishing Access, Woodland Valley Stream Parking, Shandaken Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, Slide Mountain Wilderness, Woodland Valley Campground Hunter (2%), Lexington (2%), Olive (5%), Shandaken (36%), Woodstock (8%) Current Prattsville GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 129181, 1945 Map No. 129182, 1945 Map No. 129183, 1946 Map No. 129184 Huntersfield State Forest, Bearpen Mountain State Forest Ashland (9%), Conesville (5%), Gilboa (4%), Halcott (12%), Lexington (13%), Prattsville (93%), Roxbury (18%) Current Ravena GeoPDF Map 1953 Map No. 136024, 1953 Map No. 136025, 1953 Map No. 136026 Bronck Island, Hannacroix Unique Area, Van Schaak Unique Area, New Baltimore FP Detached Parcel, Nutten Hook State Tidal Wetland, Coeymans Creek WMA Coeymans (25%), Coxsackie (3%), New Baltimore (61%), Schodack (7%), Stuyvesant (38%) Current West Kill GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 140167, 1960 Map No. 137008, 1960 Map No. 140169, 1960 Map No. 140170 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center, Belleayre Mountain Day Use Area, Greene County FP Detached Parcel, Halcott Mountain Wild Forest, Bearpen Mountain State Forest, Rusk Mountain Wild Forest, Shandaken Wild Forest, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, Vinegar Hill WMA Halcott (69%), Lexington (28%), Middletown (4%), Shandaken (11%) Current Woodstock GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 140378, 1945 Map No. 140379, 1945 Map No. 140380, 1945 Map No. 140381 High Woods Multiple Use Area, Kaaterskill Wild Forest, Overlook Mountain Wild Forest, Bluestone Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Overlook Turnpike Primitive Bicycle Corridor Hunter (6%), Hurley (7%), Kingston (11%), Saugerties (36%), Ulster (11%), Woodstock (28%) Hamilton County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Bad Luck Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Unclassified, Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Pine Lake Primitive Area Indian Lake (12%), Minerva (10%), Newcomb (3%) Current Blue Mountain Lake GeoPDF Map NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, West Canada Lake Wilderness, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Lake Durant Campground Indian Lake (19%), Lake Pleasant (1%) Current Brandreth Lake GeoPDF Map NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, William C. Whitney Wilderness Long Lake (12%) Current Bullhead Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Jessup River Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Indian Lake (6%), Johnsburg (15%), Wells (4%) Current Canada Lake GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 123087, 1945 Map No. 123088, 1945 Map No. 123089, 1945 Map No. 123090, 1946 Map No. 123091, 1946 Map No. 123092, 1997 Map No. 137147 Unclassified, Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (1%), Caroga (37%), Stratford (39%) Current Caroga Lake GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 122816, 1945 Map No. 122817, 1970 Map No. 122818, 1997 Map No. 137156 Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Caroga Lake Campground Arietta (1%), Benson (5%), Bleecker (49%), Caroga (34%) Current Cathead Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Cathead Mountain Primitive Area, Sacandaga Primitive Area, Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Sacandaga Campground Benson (42%), Hope (17%), Wells (7%) Current Deerland GeoPDF Map NA Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Eaton Campground, Long Lake State Boat Launch Arietta (1%), Indian Lake (6%), Long Lake (8%) Current Dun Brook Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Blue Mountain Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area Indian Lake (5%), Long Lake (5%), Minerva (11%), Newcomb (1%) Current Dutton Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Hudson Gorge Primitive Area, Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Ok Slip Pond Primitive Area, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Chester (0%), Indian Lake (5%), Minerva (25%) Current Eagle Bay GeoPDF Map NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Fourth Lake Boat Launch Inlet (13%), Long Lake (5%), Webb (5%) Current Forked Lake GeoPDF Map NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, William C. Whitney Wilderness, Forked Lake Campground Arietta (3%), Indian Lake (0%), Long Lake (10%) Current Gore Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Chatiemac Lake Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, North Creek Parking Fishing Access, Gore Mountain Ski Center Chester (3%), Indian Lake (1%), Johnsburg (24%), Minerva (0%) Current Grampus Lake GeoPDF Map NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (0%), Long Lake (10%), Tupper Lake (5%) Current Griffin GeoPDF Map NA Jessup River Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Forks Mountain Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Stony Creek (14%), Thurman (8%), Wells (19%) Current Hoffmeister GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Wilmurt Club Road Primitive Area, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (1%), Morehouse (25%) Current Honnedaga Lake GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Morehouse (8%), Ohio (13%) Current Hope Falls GeoPDF Map NA Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest Benson (3%), Day (9%), Edinburg (7%), Hope (83%), Northampton (1%), Stony Creek (0%), Wells (3%) Current Indian Lake GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Indian Lake (17%), Lake Pleasant (2%), Wells (2%) Current Jackson Summit GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 129959, 1946 Map No. 129960, 1970 Map No. 129961, 1970 Map No. 129962 Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest Benson (12%), Bleecker (39%), Mayfield (33%) Current Jerseyfield Lake GeoPDF Map NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Morehouse (11%), Ohio (2%), Salisbury (25%) Current Kempshall Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (1%), Long Lake (9%), Newcomb (4%) Current Kunjamuk River GeoPDF Map NA Jessup River Wild Forest, Dug Mountain Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Indian Lake (0%), Lake Pleasant (12%), Wells (17%) Current Lake Pleasant GeoPDF Map NA Silver Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Moffitt Beach Campground Arietta (2%), Lake Pleasant (22%), Wells (2%) Current Limekiln Lake GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Alger Island Campground, Limekiln Lake Campground Inlet (27%), Morehouse (2%), Ohio (8%), Webb (2%) Current Little Tupper Lake GeoPDF Map NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Round Lake Wilderness, William C. Whitney Wilderness, Winding Falls Primitive Area Long Lake (9%), Piercefield (8%), Tupper Lake (2%) Current Morehouse Lake GeoPDF Map NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (6%), Morehouse (11%), Salisbury (5%), Stratford (9%) Current Morehouseville GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Morehouse (13%), Ohio (10%) Current Mount Tom GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Little Moose Wilderness, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Boat Launch Arietta (5%), Inlet (39%), Long Lake (0%), Morehouse (6%) Current Nehasane Lake GeoPDF Map NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Five Ponds Wilderness, Partlow Lake Primitive Area, Independence River Wild Forest, Nehasane Primitive Area, William C. Whitney Wilderness Long Lake (8%), Webb (3%) Current Northville GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 128798, 1946 Map No. 128799, 1970 Map No. 128800, 1970 Map No. 128801 Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Sacandaga River State Boat Launch, Northampton Beach Campground Benson (3%), Broadalbin (9%), Edinburg (3%), Hope (0%), Mayfield (18%), Northampton (99%) Current Page Mountain GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Arietta (0%), Lake Pleasant (27%) Current Piseco Lake GeoPDF Map NA Silver Lake Wilderness, West Canada Lake Wilderness, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Little Sand Point Campground, Point Comfort Campground, Poplar Point Day Use Area Arietta (16%) Current Raquette Lake GeoPDF Map NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Brown Tract Pond Campground, Eighth Lake Campground, Tioga Point Campground Arietta (0%), Inlet (21%), Long Lake (9%) Current Rock Lake GeoPDF Map NA Unclassified, Blue Ridge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Pine Lake Primitive Area Indian Lake (20%), Minerva (1%) Current Sabattis GeoPDF Map NA Eastern Five Ponds Access Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Nehasane Primitive Area, Round Lake Wilderness, William C. Whitney Wilderness Colton (5%), Long Lake (8%), Piercefield (3%) Current Sargent Ponds GeoPDF Map NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Golden Beach Campground Arietta (10%), Indian Lake (3%), Lake Pleasant (3%), Long Lake (1%) Current Snowy Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, West Canada Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Indian Lake Islands Campground, Lewey Lake Campground Indian Lake (5%), Lake Pleasant (21%) Current South Pond Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Johnsburg (11%), Thurman (5%), Wells (15%) Current Spruce Lake GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest Arietta (16%), Lake Pleasant (1%) Current Spruce Lake Mountain GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest Arietta (3%), Morehouse (23%) Current Tomany Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Silver Lake Wilderness, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (16%), Stratford (1%) Current Wakely Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, Wakely Mountain Primitive Area, West Canada Lake Wilderness, Little Moose Wilderness, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest Arietta (14%), Lake Pleasant (4%), Long Lake (0%) Current Wells GeoPDF Map NA Silver Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Forks Mountain Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Lake Pleasant (7%), Wells (23%) Current Whitehouse GeoPDF Map NA Sacandaga Primitive Area, Silver Lake Wilderness Arietta (4%), Benson (34%), Wells (7%) Current Wolf Mountain GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 140367, 1968 Map No. 140368, 1999 Map No. 137042 Eastern Five Ponds Access Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Partlow Lake Primitive Area, Nehasane Primitive Area, William C. Whitney Wilderness Clifton (12%), Colton (1%), Long Lake (6%), Webb (1%) Herkimer County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Beaver River GeoPDF Map NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Five Ponds Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest Webb (11%) Current Big Moose GeoPDF Map NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Twitchell Lake Primitive Area, Independence River Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Webb (11%) Current Bisby Lakes GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Black River Wild Forest Ohio (12%), Webb (3%) Current Black Creek Lake GeoPDF Map NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Ohio (18%) Current Eagle Bay GeoPDF Map NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Fourth Lake Boat Launch Inlet (13%), Long Lake (5%), Webb (5%) Current East Springfield GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 138023, 1943 Map No. 138024 NA Cherry Valley (34%), Middlefield (19%), Minden (1%), Otsego (0%), Roseboom (4%), Springfield (57%), Stark (3%) Current Five Ponds GeoPDF Map 1969 Map No. 138155, 1969 Map No. 138156, 1999 Map No. 137329 Cranberry Lake Wild Forest, Buck Pond Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Wanakena Primitive Area Clifton (2%), Fine (14%), Webb (6%) Current Fort Plain GeoPDF Map 1944 Map No. 138157, 1944 Map No. 138280 NA Canajoharie (9%), Danube (4%), Manheim (0%), Minden (87%), Palatine (2%), St. Johnsville (25%) Current Herkimer GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 129905, 1943 Map No. 129906 Plantation Island WMA, West Canada Creek Fishing Access Fairfield (43%), German Flatts (17%), Herkimer (55%), Little Falls city (5%), Little Falls (55%), Newport (1%) Current Hinckley GeoPDF Map 1946 Map No. 129856, 1946 Map No. 129857, 1946 Map No. 137252 Hinckley State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Hinckley Day Use Area Norway (2%), Ohio (2%), Remsen (23%), Russia (66%), Trenton (1%) Current Honnedaga Lake GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Morehouse (8%), Ohio (13%) Current Ilion GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130052, 1982 Map No. 130056 Steuben Hill State Forest Frankfort (37%), German Flatts (12%), Herkimer (43%), Litchfield (0%), Newport (0%), Schuyler (58%) Current Jerseyfield Lake GeoPDF Map NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Morehouse (11%), Ohio (2%), Salisbury (25%) Current Jordanville GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130104, 1943 Map No. 130105 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel Columbia (13%), German Flatts (48%), Little Falls (23%), Springfield (1%), Stark (7%), Warren (67%) Current Limekiln Lake GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Alger Island Campground, Limekiln Lake Campground Inlet (27%), Morehouse (2%), Ohio (8%), Webb (2%) Current Little Falls GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130279, 1943 Map No. 130280 NA Danube (27%), Fairfield (6%), Little Falls city (95%), Little Falls (14%), Manheim (97%), Oppenheim (8%), Salisbury (3%), St. Johnsville (1%) Current Mckeever GeoPDF Map NA Black River Wild Forest Forestport (11%), Lyonsdale (1%), Ohio (6%), Webb (5%) Current Middleville GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130565, 1943 Map No. 130566, 1943 Map No. 130567 Former Dairy Hill Firetower Site, Black Creek State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Fairfield (47%), Newport (14%), Norway (83%), Ohio (0%), Salisbury (0%) Current Millers Mills GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130585, 1943 Map No. 130586 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel Columbia (86%), Frankfort (3%), German Flatts (23%), Litchfield (24%), Richfield (19%), Winfield (9%) Current Morehouse Lake GeoPDF Map NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (6%), Morehouse (11%), Salisbury (5%), Stratford (9%) Current Morehouseville GeoPDF Map NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Morehouse (13%), Ohio (10%) Current Nehasane Lake GeoPDF Map NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Five Ponds Wilderness, Partlow Lake Primitive Area, Independence River Wild Forest, Nehasane Primitive Area, William C. Whitney Wilderness Long Lake (8%), Webb (3%) Current Newport GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130848, 1943 Map No. 130849, 1943 Map No. 130850, 1982 Map No. 130852 West Canada Creek Fishing Access Deerfield (24%), Herkimer (2%), Newport (85%), Norway (0%), Russia (14%), Schuyler (24%) Current North Wilmurt GeoPDF Map 1946 Map No. 128775, 1946 Map No. 128777 Forestport FP Detached Parcel, Woodhull Detached Parcel, Black River Wild Forest, Black River Fishing Access Forestport (14%), Ohio (10%), Remsen (12%), Russia (11%) Current Number Four GeoPDF Map NA Pepperbox Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest Greig (7%), Watson (37%), Webb (1%) Current Ohio GeoPDF Map NA Black Creek State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Norway (14%), Ohio (16%), Salisbury (0%) Current Old Forge GeoPDF Map NA Fourth Lake Day Use Area, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness, Alger Island Campground, Nicks Lake Campground Ohio (4%), Webb (9%) Current Oppenheim GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 128927, 1945 Map No. 128928 Fulton FP Detached Parcel, Lassellsville State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Danube (0%), Manheim (3%), Oppenheim (75%), Salisbury (0%), St. Johnsville (62%), Stratford (1%) Current Oswegatchie SE GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 135918, 1966 Map No. 135920 Buck Pond Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Pepperbox Wilderness, Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Fine (17%), Webb (5%) Current Oswegatchie SW GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 135921 Five Ponds Wilderness, Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Croghan (8%), Diana (13%), Fine (5%), Webb (2%) Current Remsen GeoPDF Map 1955 Map No. 136052, 1955 Map No. 136053, 1955 Map No. 136054, 1955 Map No. 136855 Cincinnati Creek Waterway Access, Penn Mountain State Forest Floyd (1%), Remsen (41%), Russia (9%), Steuben (29%), Trenton (48%) Current Richfield Springs GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 136062, 1943 Map No. 136063 Maumee Swamp Columbia (0%), Middlefield (2%), Otsego (34%), Richfield (15%), Springfield (35%), Warren (33%) Current Salisbury GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 129330, 1945 Map No. 129331, 1945 Map No. 129332 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Fairfield (4%), Norway (0%), Salisbury (49%) Current Soft Maple Reservoir GeoPDF Map NA Alder Creek Primitive Area, Pepperbox Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Croghan (11%), New Bremen (1%), Watson (19%), Webb (2%) Current South Trenton GeoPDF Map 1955 Map No. 136206, 1955 Map No. 136207, 1983 Map No. 136208 NA Deerfield (72%), Marcy (31%), Russia (0%), Schuyler (4%), Trenton (41%), Utica city (2%) Current Stillwater GeoPDF Map NA Alder Creek Primitive Area, Bear Pond Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Pepperbox Wilderness, Raven Lake Road Primitive Area, Tied Lake Primitive Area, Independence River Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest, Stillwater Boat Launch Webb (11%) Current Stillwater Mountain GeoPDF Map NA Independence River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Webb (11%) Current Stratford GeoPDF Map 1945 Map No. 139921, 1945 Map No. 139922, 1945 Map No. 139923, 1945 Map No. 139924 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, North Creek Fishing Access Oppenheim (6%), Salisbury (16%), Stratford (43%) Current Thendara GeoPDF Map NA Independence River Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Greig (1%), Lyonsdale (2%), Webb (11%) Current Unadilla Forks GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 139435, 1943 Map No. 139436 Plainfield State Forest, Basswood Pond State Forest Bridgewater (0%), Brookfield (1%), Burlington (18%), Edmeston (16%), Exeter (15%), Plainfield (97%), Richfield (2%), Winfield (19%) Current Utica East GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 139462, 1955 Map No. 139464, 1955 Map No. 139465, 1983 Map No. 139466 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel, Utica Marsh WMA Deerfield (3%), Frankfort (60%), Litchfield (12%), Marcy (2%), New Hartford (24%), Paris (8%), Schuyler (15%), Utica city (74%) Current Van Hornesville GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 139474, 1943 Map No. 139475 Otsquago State Forest, Ohisa State Forest, Van Hornesville Fish Hatchery Danube (69%), Little Falls (7%), Minden (2%), Springfield (6%), Stark (90%), Warren (0%) Current West Winfield GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 137017, 1943 Map No. 140225, 1943 Map No. 140226 NA Bridgewater (41%), Litchfield (63%), Paris (27%), Plainfield (1%), Richfield (0%), Winfield (72%) Current Wolf Mountain GeoPDF Map 1968 Map No. 140367, 1968 Map No. 140368, 1999 Map No. 137042 Eastern Five Ponds Access Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Partlow Lake Primitive Area, Nehasane Primitive Area, William C. Whitney Wilderness Clifton (12%), Colton (1%), Long Lake (6%), Webb (1%) Jefferson County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Adams GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 136529, 1959 Map No. 136530, 1959 Map No. 136531 NA Adams (60%), Ellisburg (22%), Henderson (12%), Lorraine (13%) Current Alexandria Bay GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 136582, 1958 Map No. 136583 Collins Landing WMA, Cranberry Creek WMA Alexandria (45%), Orleans (11%) Current Antwerp GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 136656, 1949 Map No. 136662, 1951 Map No. 136661 NA Antwerp (44%), Diana (1%), Fowler (0%), Philadelphia (1%), Rossie (0%), Wilna (5%) Current Barnes Corners GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 123178, 1959 Map No. 123183, 1959 Map No. 123184, 1959 Map No. 137090 Tug Hill State Forest, Sears Pond State Forest, Pinckney State Forest, Lookout State Forest, Granger State Forest Montague (7%), Pinckney (69%), Rodman (20%), Worth (29%) Current Black River GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 123314, 1958 Map No. 123315, 1958 Map No. 123316, 1958 Map No. 123317, 1958 Map No. 137112 NA Le Ray (64%), Pamelia (9%), Philadelphia (0%), Rutland (7%) Current Boylston Center GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 123366, 1959 Map No. 123367, 1959 Map No. 123368 Winona State Forest, Littlejohn WMA Boylston (67%), Lorraine (40%), Redfield (7%), Worth (13%) Current Brownville GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 123028, 1958 Map No. 123029, 1958 Map No. 123030 Perch River WMA Brownville (27%), Clayton (1%), Hounsfield (0%), Orleans (11%), Pamelia (79%), Watertown (0%) Current Cape Vincent North GeoPDF Map NA NA Cape Vincent (30%) Current Cape Vincent South GeoPDF Map NA Eastern Ontario Waterway Access, Lake Ontario Waterway Access, Point Peninsula WMA Cape Vincent (34%), Lyme (13%) Current Carthage GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 122823, 1943 Map No. 122824, 1943 Map No. 137157 Beartown State Forest, Black River Fishing Access, Black River Waterway Access Champion (2%), Croghan (10%), Denmark (51%), New Bremen (0%), Wilna (10%) Current Chaumont GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 122935, 1958 Map No. 122937 Lake Ontario Waterway Access, Ashland Flats WMA, Point Peninsula WMA Brownville (3%), Cape Vincent (5%), Lyme (52%) Current Chippewa Bay GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 122977, 1948 Map No. 122978, 1958 Map No. 122980, 1958 Map No. 122981, 1958 Map No. 122982 NA Alexandria (6%), Hammond (38%) Current Clayton GeoPDF Map 1942 Map No. 137649, 1958 Map No. 137651, 1958 Map No. 137653 French Creek WMA Clayton (50%), Lyme (1%), Orleans (2%) Current Copenhagen GeoPDF Map 1942 Map No. 137713, 1942 Map No. 137714 Pinckney State Forest Champion (72%), Denmark (38%), Harrisburg (0%), Pinckney (1%), Rutland (3%), Wilna (0%) Current Deferiet GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 137971, 1949 Map No. 137973, 1950 Map No. 137972 NA Champion (24%), Le Ray (20%), Philadelphia (21%), Rutland (3%), Wilna (23%) Current Dexter GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 137883, 1958 Map No. 137884, 1958 Map No. 137885 Brownville WMA, Dexter Marsh WMA, Perch River WMA Brownville (51%), Clayton (11%), Hounsfield (1%), Lyme (18%) Current Ellisburg GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 137320, 1958 Map No. 138208 North Pond Sandy Creek Waterway Access, Little Sandy Creek Fishing Access, Lakeview WMA Ellisburg (23%), Sandy Creek (29%) Current Galloo Island GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 138094, 1958 Map No. 138095 Lake Ontario Islands WMA Hounsfield (7%) Current Gananoque GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 138103 NA Clayton (5%) Current Henderson GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 129890, 1959 Map No. 129891, 1959 Map No. 129892 Ontario Lake Boat Launch, Stony Creek Fishing Access, Crystal Lake Waterway Access, Black Pond WMA, Lakeview WMA Ellisburg (24%), Henderson (59%) Current Henderson Bay GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 129895, 1980 Map No. 129894 Point Peninsula WMA, Lake Ontario Islands WMA Brownville (15%), Henderson (8%), Hounsfield (2%), Lyme (3%) Current La Fargeville GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 130144, 1982 Map No. 130145 Coyote Flats State Forest, Perch River WMA Alexandria (3%), Clayton (0%), Le Ray (0%), Orleans (61%), Pamelia (4%), Theresa (2%) Current Lake Bonaparte GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 130158, 1951 Map No. 130159, 1951 Map No. 130160, 1951 Map No. 137301, 1951 Map No. 137302 St. Lawrence FP Detached Parcel, Sand Bay State Forest, Bonaparte’s Cave State Forest, California Road State Forest Antwerp (7%), Diana (21%), Fowler (19%), Pitcairn (6%) Current Muskellunge Lake GeoPDF Map 1961 Map No. 130739, 1961 Map No. 130740 Lake Of The Woods Waterway Access, Moon Lake Fishing Access, South Hammond State Forest, Pulpit Rock State Forest, Indian River WMA, Grass Lake Fishing Access Antwerp (14%), Hammond (4%), Macomb (0%), Rossie (47%), Theresa (23%) Current Natural Bridge GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 130767, 1951 Map No. 130768, 1951 Map No. 130769, 1951 Map No. 130770 Onjebonge State Forest, Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest, Hogsback State Forest, Beartown State Forest Croghan (9%), Diana (26%), Wilna (1%) Current Natural Dam GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 130771, 1961 Map No. 130772, 1961 Map No. 130773, 1961 Map No. 130774 Pleasant Lake State Forest, Yellow Lake State Forest, Oswegatchie River At Oxbow Fishing Access, Yellow Lake Waterway Access Antwerp (8%), Fowler (3%), Gouverneur (30%), Macomb (8%), Rossie (42%) Current North Wilna GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 128781, 1949 Map No. 128783, 1951 Map No. 128782 Onjebonge State Forest Antwerp (0%), Croghan (1%), Diana (3%), Wilna (60%) Current Philadelphia GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 128975, 1949 Map No. 128976, 1949 Map No. 128978, 1951 Map No. 128977 NA Antwerp (25%), Philadelphia (65%), Theresa (2%), Wilna (1%) Current Point Peninsula GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 129059, 1958 Map No. 129060 Point Peninsula WMA Henderson (1%), Hounsfield (5%), Lyme (5%) Current Redwood GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 136044, 1958 Map No. 136045, 1958 Map No. 136046 Hyde Lake Fishing Access, Millsite Lake Fishing Access, Butterfield Lake Waterway Access, Sixberry Lake Fishing Access, Indian River WMA Alexandria (43%), Hammond (2%), Theresa (21%) Current Rodman GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 136100, 1959 Map No. 136101, 1959 Map No. 136868 South Sandy Creek Fishing Access, Tug Hill State Forest, Gould’s Corners State Forest, Winona State Forest, Honeyville WMA Adams (15%), Lorraine (37%), Rodman (65%), Worth (13%) Current Rutland Center GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 129268, 1959 Map No. 129269 Pinckney State Forest, Black River At Huntingtonville Waterway Access Champion (2%), Denmark (0%), Le Ray (2%), Pamelia (3%), Pinckney (5%), Rodman (3%), Rutland (87%), Watertown city (5%), Watertown (20%) Current Sackets Harbor GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 129277, 1959 Map No. 129278 Dexter Marsh WMA Adams (20%), Brownville (5%), Henderson (6%), Hounsfield (71%) Current Saint Lawrence GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 129291, 1958 Map No. 129292 Ashland Flats WMA, French Creek WMA Cape Vincent (31%), Clayton (15%), Lyme (9%) Current Sandy Creek GeoPDF Map 1942 Map No. 129339, 1958 Map No. 129341, 1958 Map No. 129342, 1958 Map No. 129343, 1958 Map No. 129344 Lindsey Creek Fishing Access, Little Sandy Creek Fishing Access, Winona State Forest Boylston (16%), Ellisburg (31%), Lorraine (10%), Sandy Creek (37%) Current Stony Point GeoPDF Map 1958 Map No. 139914, 1958 Map No. 139915 Henderson Shores Unique Area Henderson (15%), Hounsfield (0%) Current Theresa GeoPDF Map 1948 Map No. 139992, 1958 Map No. 139990, 1958 Map No. 139991 Hyde Lake Fishing Access, Coyote Flats State Forest, Indian River Fishing Access Alexandria (2%), Antwerp (0%), Le Ray (13%), Pamelia (0%), Philadelphia (14%), Theresa (52%) Current Thousand Island Park GeoPDF Map NA NA Clayton (18%), Orleans (15%) Current Watertown GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 140051, 1959 Map No. 140052, 1959 Map No. 140053 NA Adams (5%), Brownville (0%), Hounsfield (14%), Pamelia (5%), Rodman (12%), Watertown city (95%), Watertown (80%) Current Worth Center GeoPDF Map 1960 Map No. 137044, 1960 Map No. 137045, 1960 Map No. 140382, 1960 Map No. 140383 Tug Hill State Forest, Sears Pond State Forest, Littlejohn WMA Montague (14%), Osceola (1%), Redfield (26%), Worth (44%) Kings County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Brooklyn GeoPDF Map 1947 Map No. 123124, 1956 Map No. 123127, 1956 Map No. 123128, 1967 Map No. 123129, 1967 Map No. 123130, 1967 Map No. 123131, 1967 Map No. 123132, 1995 Map No. 137132 NA Brooklyn borough (47%), Manhattan borough (18%), Queens borough (10%) Current Coney Island GeoPDF Map 1947 Map No. 137694, 1955 Map No. 137695, 1966 Map No. 137182, 1966 Map No. 137183, 1966 Map No. 137696, 1966 Map No. 137698, 1995 Map No. 137185 NA Brooklyn borough (29%), Queens borough (3%) Current Far Rockaway GeoPDF Map 1947 Map No. 138136, 1954 Map No. 138137, 1969 Map No. 138139, 1969 Map No. 138140 Norton Basin Natural Resource Area Brooklyn borough (7%), Hempstead (1%), Queens borough (11%) Current Jamaica GeoPDF Map 1947 Map No. 129963, 1957 Map No. 129966, 1966 Map No. 129967, 1966 Map No. 137279, 1979 Map No. 129968, 1994 Map No. 137282 NA Brooklyn borough (6%), Hempstead (0%), Queens borough (41%) Current Jersey City GeoPDF Map NA NA Brooklyn borough (7%), Manhattan borough (12%), Staten Island borough (7%) Current The Narrows GeoPDF Map 1947 Map No. 139982, 1947 Map No. 139983, 1955 Map No. 139984, 1955 Map No. 139985, 1966 Map No. 139986, 1966 Map No. 139987, 1966 Map No. 139988, 1966 Map No. 139989, 1998 Map No. 136951 Oakwood Beach State Tidal Wetland, St. Francis Woodlands, Todt Hill Woods Brooklyn borough (4%), Staten Island borough (24%) Lewis County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Antwerp GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 136656, 1949 Map No. 136662, 1951 Map No. 136661 NA Antwerp (44%), Diana (1%), Fowler (0%), Philadelphia (1%), Rossie (0%), Wilna (5%) Current Barnes Corners GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 123178, 1959 Map No. 123183, 1959 Map No. 123184, 1959 Map No. 137090 Tug Hill State Forest, Sears Pond State Forest, Pinckney State Forest, Lookout State Forest, Granger State Forest Montague (7%), Pinckney (69%), Rodman (20%), Worth (29%) Current Belfort GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 123234, 1966 Map No. 123235 Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest, Balsam Creek State Forest Croghan (24%), New Bremen (17%), Watson (0%) Current Brantingham GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 122985, 1966 Map No. 137124, 1966 Map No. 137125 Greig FP Detached Parcel, Lyonsdale FP Detached Parcel, Independence River Wild Forest, Otter Creek State Forest, Independence River State Forest, High Towers State Forest, Burdicks Crossing Fishing Access Greig (45%), Lyonsdale (13%), Turin (4%), Watson (1%), West Turin (0%) Current Carthage GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 122823, 1943 Map No. 122824, 1943 Map No. 137157 Beartown State Forest, Black River Fishing Access, Black River Waterway Access Champion (2%), Croghan (10%), Denmark (51%), New Bremen (0%), Wilna (10%) Current Constableville GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 137700, 1966 Map No. 137701 Mohawk Springs State Forest, Lesser Wilderness State Forest Lewis (0%), Leyden (39%), Turin (2%), West Turin (39%) Current Copenhagen GeoPDF Map 1942 Map No. 137713, 1942 Map No. 137714 Pinckney State Forest Champion (72%), Denmark (38%), Harrisburg (0%), Pinckney (1%), Rutland (3%), Wilna (0%) Current Copper Lake GeoPDF Map NA Independence River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Greig (44%), Lyonsdale (18%), Webb (0%) Current Croghan GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 137196, 1966 Map No. 137743 Beartown State Forest Croghan (26%), Denmark (1%), New Bremen (11%) Current Crystal Dale GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 137756, 1966 Map No. 137757, 1966 Map No. 137758 Independence River Wild Forest, Indian Pipe State Forest, Crystal Creek Fishing Access, Independence River State Forest, Crystal Creek Fishing Access Greig (0%), New Bremen (33%), Watson (31%) Current Florence GeoPDF Map 1955 Map No. 138243, 1955 Map No. 138244, 1955 Map No. 138245 Lewis FP Detached Parcel, Lot 127 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 134 FP Detached Parcel, Salmon River Fishing Access, Big Brook State Forest, Swancott Hill State Forest, Tri-County State Forest, Fall Brook State Forest, Furnace Creek State Forest, Mad River State Forest, West Osceola State Forest, Swancott Mill State Forest, East Osceola State Forest, Salmon River East Branch Fishing Access Annsville (10%), Camden (0%), Florence (51%), Lewis (13%), Osceola (13%) Current Glenfield GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 129534, 1966 Map No. 129535, 1966 Map No. 129536 Gomer Hill Radio Facility, Turin FP Detached Parcel, Lesser Wilderness State Forest, Black River At Glenfield Fishing Access, Black River Fishing Access Greig (3%), Martinsburg (25%), Turin (94%), Watson (1%), West Turin (2%) Current Harrisville GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 129808, 1951 Map No. 129809, 1951 Map No. 129810, 1951 Map No. 137245 Diana FP Detached Parcel, Pitcairn FP Detached Parcel, St. Lawrence FP Detached Parcel, Cold Spring Brook State Forest, Toothaker Creek State Forest, Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest, Bonaparte’s Cave State Forest, California Road State Forest Diana (10%), Edwards (6%), Fine (0%), Fowler (4%), Pitcairn (56%) Current High Market GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 129921, 1943 Map No. 129922, 1943 Map No. 137249 Lewis FP Detached Parcel, East Br Fish/Big Alder Creek Fishing Access, East Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access, Lesser Wilderness State Forest, East Branch Fish Creek State Forest Lewis (22%), Osceola (6%), West Turin (34%) Current Lake Bonaparte GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 130158, 1951 Map No. 130159, 1951 Map No. 130160, 1951 Map No. 137301, 1951 Map No. 137302 St. Lawrence FP Detached Parcel, Sand Bay State Forest, Bonaparte’s Cave State Forest, California Road State Forest Antwerp (7%), Diana (21%), Fowler (19%), Pitcairn (6%) Current Lowville GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 130369, 1966 Map No. 137381 Lowville Office, Indian Pipe State Forest, Lowville Demonstration Area, Black River At Beeches Bridge Fishing Access, Black River At Lowville Fishing Access Denmark (1%), Lowville (30%), Martinsburg (10%), New Bremen (38%), Watson (11%) Current Mckeever GeoPDF Map NA Black River Wild Forest Forestport (11%), Lyonsdale (1%), Ohio (6%), Webb (5%) Current Natural Bridge GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 130767, 1951 Map No. 130768, 1951 Map No. 130769, 1951 Map No. 130770 Onjebonge State Forest, Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest, Hogsback State Forest, Beartown State Forest Croghan (9%), Diana (26%), Wilna (1%) Current New Boston GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130798, 1943 Map No. 130799, 1943 Map No. 137406 Sears Pond State Forest, Pinckney State Forest, Lookout State Forest, Grant Powell State Forest, Cobb Creek State Forest Denmark (1%), Harrisburg (70%), Martinsburg (3%), Montague (20%), Pinckney (26%) Current North Osceola GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 128758, 1943 Map No. 128759, 1943 Map No. 128760 Lewis FP Detached Parcel, Lot 38 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 50 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 69 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 74 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 98 FP Detached Parcel, West Osceola State Forest, Line Brook State Forest, East Osceola State Forest Lewis (2%), Osceola (61%), West Turin (0%) Current North Wilna GeoPDF Map 1949 Map No. 128781, 1949 Map No. 128783, 1951 Map No. 128782 Onjebonge State Forest Antwerp (0%), Croghan (1%), Diana (3%), Wilna (60%) Current Number Four GeoPDF Map NA Pepperbox Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest Greig (7%), Watson (37%), Webb (1%) Current Oswegatchie SW GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 135921 Five Ponds Wilderness, Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Croghan (8%), Diana (13%), Fine (5%), Webb (2%) Current Page GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 135958, 1943 Map No. 136768 West Martinsburg Radio Facility, Lesser Wilderness State Forest, Grant Powell State Forest, East Branch Fish Creek State Forest Martinsburg (43%), Turin (1%), West Turin (21%) Current Point Rock GeoPDF Map 1955 Map No. 129062, 1955 Map No. 129063, 1955 Map No. 136814, 1955 Map No. 136815 Lewis FP Detached Parcel, East Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access, Fish Creek Fishing Access, Fall Brook State Forest, Point Rock State Forest, Raywood Unique Area, Swancott Mill State Forest, East Branch Fish Creek State Forest, Cottrell State Forest, Kotary Road Fishing Access Annsville (23%), Ava (21%), Lee (4%), Lewis (47%) Current Port Leyden GeoPDF Map 1966 Map No. 129118, 1966 Map No. 129119 Boonville FP Detached Parcel, Lyonsdale FP Detached Parcel, Popple Pond State Forest, Independence River Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Sand Flats State Forest, Black River Fishing Access Boonville (14%), Leyden (48%), Lyonsdale (38%), West Turin (1%) Current Redfield GeoPDF Map 1942 Map No. 136039, 1960 Map No. 136040, 1960 Map No. 136041, 1960 Map No. 136042, 1960 Map No. 136854 Stave Mill State Forest, Salmon River North Branch Fishing Access, Salmon River Fishing Access, Battle Hill State Forest, Hall Island State Forest, O’hara State Forest, Salmon River State Forest, West Osceola State Forest, Line Brook State Forest, Mill Stream Fishing Access, Mill Stream Fishing Access Osceola (6%), Redfield (52%) Current Remington Corners GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 136047, 1951 Map No. 136048, 1951 Map No. 136049, 1951 Map No. 136051 Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest Croghan (10%), Diana (25%) Current Rutland Center GeoPDF Map 1959 Map No. 129268, 1959 Map No. 129269 Pinckney State Forest, Black River At Huntingtonville Waterway Access Champion (2%), Denmark (0%), Le Ray (2%), Pamelia (3%), Pinckney (5%), Rodman (3%), Rutland (87%), Watertown city (5%), Watertown (20%) Current Sears Pond GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 136127, 1943 Map No. 136128, 1943 Map No. 136129, 1943 Map No. 136906 Sears Pond State Forest, Grant Powell State Forest, Tug Hill WMA Martinsburg (4%), Montague (60%), Osceola (12%), West Turin (1%) Current Soft Maple Reservoir GeoPDF Map NA Alder Creek Primitive Area, Pepperbox Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Croghan (11%), New Bremen (1%), Watson (19%), Webb (2%) Current Thendara GeoPDF Map NA Independence River Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Greig (1%), Lyonsdale (2%), Webb (11%) Current West Leyden GeoPDF Map 1955 Map No. 137009, 1955 Map No. 140171 Buck Hill State Forest, Webster Hill State Forest, Point Rock State Forest, Jackson Hill State Forest, Mohawk Springs State Forest Ava (77%), Boonville (4%), Lee (3%), Lewis (16%), Leyden (13%), West Turin (0%), Western (10%) Current West Lowville GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 137010, 1943 Map No. 140178 Grant Powell State Forest Denmark (7%), Harrisburg (30%), Lowville (70%), Martinsburg (15%) Current Westdale GeoPDF Map 1946 Map No. 140228, 1959 Map No. 137018, 1959 Map No. 140230, 1959 Map No. 140231 West Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access, Florence Hill State Forest, Tri-County State Forest, Mad River State Forest, O’hara State Forest, Orton Hollow State Forest, West Osceola State Forest Amboy (5%), Camden (12%), Florence (46%), Osceola (1%), Redfield (7%), Williamstown (33%) Current Woodgate GeoPDF Map NA Boonville FP Detached Parcel, Hogsback State Forest, Popple Pond State Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Sand Flats State Forest Boonville (8%), Forestport (36%), Lyonsdale (28%) Current Worth Center GeoPDF Map 1960 Map No. 137044, 1960 Map No. 137045, 1960 Map No. 140382, 1960 Map No. 140383 Tug Hill State Forest, Sears Pond State Forest, Littlejohn WMA Montague (14%), Osceola (1%), Redfield (26%), Worth (44%) Livingston County PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area) Current Arkport GeoPDF Map 1965 Map No. 136691, 1965 Map No. 136692, 1965 Map No. 136693 NA Almond (4%), Burns (22%), Dansville (62%), Fremont (24%), Hornell city (10%), Hornellsville (14%), Ossian (7%) Current Bristol Springs GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 123020, 1943 Map No. 123021, 1943 Map No. 123022, 1943 Map No. 123023 Honeoye Inlet WMA, High Tor WMA, Stid Hill Mua Canadice (2%), Naples (44%), Richmond (13%), South Bristol (69%), Springwater (3%) Current Caledonia GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 123137, 1950 Map No. 123138, 1950 Map No. 123139, 1950 Map No. 123142 Caledonia Fish Hatchery Avon (22%), Caledonia (68%), Rush (0%), Wheatland (17%), York (21%) Current Canaseraga GeoPDF Map 1964 Map No. 122771 Ossian State Forest, Canaseraga State Forest, Hiltonville State Forest, Klipnocky State Forest, Gas Springs State Forest, Slader Creek State Forest, Rattlesnake Hill WMA, Keeney Swamp WMA Almond (21%), Birdsall (21%), Burns (78%), Grove (24%), Ossian (22%) Current Conesus GeoPDF Map 1957 Map No. 137692, 1964 Map No. 137693 Hemlock-Canadice State Forest, Conesus Inlet WMA Conesus (70%), Groveland (26%), Sparta (52%), Springwater (9%), West Sparta (0%) Current Dansville GeoPDF Map 1942 Map No. 137198, 1942 Map No. 137957, 1942 Map No. 137958, 1942 Map No. 137961 NA Dansville (20%), North Dansville (100%), Ossian (17%), Sparta (44%), Springwater (8%), Wayland (20%), West Sparta (13%) Current Geneseo GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 129485, 1950 Map No. 129486, 1950 Map No. 129487, 1950 Map No. 129488 NA Avon (14%), Geneseo (73%), Groveland (2%), Leicester (19%), Mount Morris (0%), York (19%) Current Honeoye GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 129741, 1951 Map No. 129742, 1951 Map No. 129743 Hemlock-Canadice State Forest, Honeoye Creek WMA Canadice (14%), Conesus (2%), Lima (17%), Livonia (29%), Richmond (65%), West Bloomfield (15%) Current Honeoye Falls GeoPDF Map 1934 Map No. 129754, 1951 Map No. 129752, 1951 Map No. 129753, 1971 Map No. 129750, 1971 Map No. 129751, 1971 Map No. 137256 NA Lima (49%), Mendon (58%), Rush (4%), West Bloomfield (57%) Current Le Roy GeoPDF Map 1950 Map No. 130235, 1950 Map No. 130236, 1950 Map No. 130237, 1950 Map No. 137314 Groveland Secondary Trailway Caledonia (24%), Le Roy (40%), Pavilion (39%), Wheatland (5%), York (23%) Current Leicester GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 130247, 1951 Map No. 130248, 1951 Map No. 130249 Groveland Secondary Trailway Covington (37%), Leicester (50%), Pavilion (5%), Perry (22%), York (37%) Current Livonia GeoPDF Map 1951 Map No. 130303, 1951 Map No. 130304, 1951 Map No. 130305, 1951 Map No. 137366 Hemlock-Canadice State Forest, Conesus Lake Waterway Access Avon (11%), Conesus (12%), Geneseo (27%), Groveland (1%), Lima (12%), Livonia (71%) Current Mount Morris GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 130712, 1943 Map No. 130713, 1972 Map No. 130716, 1972 Map No. 130717 NA Castile (28%), Leicester (29%), Mount Morris (57%), Perry (16%) Current Naples GeoPDF Map 1942 Map No. 130756, 1942 Map No. 130761, 1942 Map No. 137395 High Tor WMA Cohocton (47%), Naples (49%), Prattsburgh (15%), Springwater (3%) Current Nunda GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 128828, 1972 Map No. 128834, 1972 Map No. 137474 Rattlesnake Hill WMA Castile (1%), Granger (9%), Grove (15%), Mount Morris (12%), Nunda (70%), Portage (54%) Current Ossian GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 135910, 1972 Map No. 135911 Ossian State Forest, Canaseraga State Forest, Rattlesnake Hill WMA Grove (6%), Mount Morris (3%), Nunda (30%), Ossian (54%), West Sparta (55%) Current Portageville GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 129125, 1972 Map No. 129128, 1972 Map No. 129129, 1972 Map No. 129131 East Koy Creek Fishing Access, Wiscoy Creek Fishing Access, Genesee Valley WMA Castile (11%), Gainesville (8%), Genesee Falls (100%), Granger (10%), Hume (15%), Mount Morris (0%), Pike (36%), Portage (46%) Current Rush GeoPDF Map 1931 Map No. 148375, 1934 Map No. 129251, 1934 Map No. 129252, 1951 Map No. 129253, 1951 Map No. 129254, 1971 Map No. 129255, 1971 Map No. 129256, 1971 Map No. 136877 Avon Regional Office, Genesee River Waterway Access, Twin Cedars Environmental Area, Rush Oak Openings Unique Area Avon (52%), Caledonia (8%), Lima (22%), Mendon (1%), Rush (70%), Wheatland (3%) Current Sonyea GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 136191, 1972 Map No. 136192, 1972 Map No. 136925 Sonyea State Forest Groveland (72%), Leicester (3%), Mount Morris (27%), Sparta (4%), West Sparta (32%) Current Springwater GeoPDF Map 1942 Map No. 136931, 1942 Map No. 139848, 1942 Map No. 139849, 1942 Map No. 139850 Hemlock-Canadice State Forest, Honeoye Inlet WMA Canadice (84%), Conesus (16%), Richmond (3%), Springwater (38%) Current Wayland GeoPDF Map 1943 Map No. 140081, 1953 Map No. 140079 Mill Creek Fishing Access Cohocton (20%), Dansville (1%), Springwater (38%), Wayland (59%)
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