NYS Census
College Graduates in NY State
Data Source: 2016-2020 American Community Survey, Table B15003. Persons age 25 or older with a Bachelors degree or Post-Graduate Degree.
NYS Median Household Income by Municipality
This graphic excludes the following Westchester towns with a median household income above $150k - Scarsdale, New Castle, Pound Ridge, New Castle, Lewisboro and Pelham.
High School Drop Outs Map
Generally rural and inner-city areas have a high percentage of high-school drop outs over the age of 25.
Data Source: US Census, Educational Attainment by Census Tract. 2015 ACS 5-Year Averages. http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t
Population Change, 1970 to 2021
New York State Population Under 100 ft Elevation
Most New York residents reside at lower elevations as much of New York City, Long Island and Hudson Valley are only a few feet above sea level.