Lake Shore Marshes WMA

The Lake Shore Marshes Wildlife Management Area is located between Rochester and Oswego in the northeastern part of Wayne County. This complex is composed of several units, is bounded on the north by. Lake Ontario and contains approximately 6,179 acres of wetlands and adjacent uplands.

Development has included the construction of small water impoundments and parking areas at scenic locations overlooking areas used by migrating waterfowl. Other developments consist of boat access sites and trails available to fishermen, hunters, hikers and naturalists.

The area offers a unique combination of lake-bay marsh environments providing varied habitats for many species of fish, mammals, songbirds, shorebirds and waterfowl. Management objectives emphasize waterfowl utilization of this area. Public recreational uses of a non-conflicting nature is encouraged. Black ducks, mallards, wood ducks and teal are the principal waterfowl species along with a variety of diving ducks on the open water areas.

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