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Aerial surveys show US landfills are major source of methane emissions | Reuters

Aerial surveys show US landfills are major source of methane emissions | Reuters

WASHINGTON, March 28 (Reuters) - Over half of U.S. landfills observed by aerial surveys are super-emitting sources of methane, according to a new study in the journal Science published on Thursday. The study is the largest assessment to date of methane from landfills, the third-largest source of U.S. methane emissions, and suggests an opportunity to tackle climate change by targeting a prevalent and potent greenhouse gas. It was led by research group Carbon Mapper, with researchers from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Scientific Aviation, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Messer Deprivation vs. Active and Inactive Landfills

Surprisingly the totals for Messer Deprivation were similar for landfills as Title V emitters. I am thinking though the issue is different here, as there are many small, rural landfills, not all of them are in the poorest communities in the state.

Messer Deprivation vs. Active and Inactive Landfills