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Safety in Farrowing

I was reading a post about how bad farrowing crates are on social media, by somebody who knows very little about hogs. While farrowing crates aren't the perfect situation for everyone, there are reasons why many farms use them - especially to prevent piglets from getting crushed in barnyards.

These Pigs DON’T Root!

Everybody seems to be talking these days about Idaho Pasture Pigs. But you really got to make sure they have enough pasture, enough grain and enough minerals to make sure they don't make a mess of your pasture.

How to Raise Pigs for Meat on the Homestead

Raising pigs for meat is a great idea for most homesteaders. Every year we raise pigs for our own family and to sell to our local community.

I was watching this video the other day, it has an interesting perspective on the economics of raising hogs on a homestead. Like most things relating to farming and homesteading, pigs aren't cheap but they produce a lot of delicious meat. Neighbors had hogs growing up and Cam Edwards of the NRA makes me hungry every time he talks about the heritage hogs he raises. Pigs aren't cheap but they sure are tasty even though you do want to have a fair bit of land to raise them as I can tell you they sure can smell as they root around in fermented grain.